FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Frequently Asked Questions on our Product "Memory PLUS"
- How do I use "Memory PLUS" Support Services?
- What does "Memory PLUS" exactly do?
- Is there any explicit User Interface (UI) guide for "Memory PLUS"?
- Why is "Memory PLUS" a menu bar application?
- Can "Memory PLUS" be launched at login?
- Can the frequency of update of memory analytics be configured?
- Are display themes supported by "Memory PLUS"?
- What display options are supported for the menu bar button?
- What does the "show warning" option stand for in preferences window?
- When should the various manual memory clean options be used?
- How does the low memory "Auto clean" option work?
- How do I deal with "Memory PLUS" going into repetitive "auto clean" cycles in a loop?
- How do I reset "Memory PLUS" user defaults?